Showing posts with label Backpackers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Backpackers. Show all posts

Sunday 2 February 2014

Tips for Backpacking in Bali

You probably have just set your plan to go to Bali and booked your tickets. You have taken care of your pet, your neighbor, and everything in the house. It is time to wave goodbye and embark on your Bali trip. But, are you 100% ready? Before moving out from your house, I have a list of some things you need to do. It does not take your time to much. I just need 5 minutes of your time to read this article.

First of all, you need to be prepared. Believe me. The better you prepare, the safer and more pleasure your travel will be. I know that your travel agent will handle the tour. And if you are traveling with a group, you don't have to worry. But you need to prepare things like knowledge about the country you visit. In this case, Bali is located in Indonesia country so it is great idea to learn few important Bahasa Indonesia words for instance. Also you need to find out the arrangements that have been made for you. Do some research about Bali destination so that you can prepare necessary items or stuff to help you in the travel.

When traveling around the world, one of the most crucial things you need to consider is the travel insurance. It is very important for your trip. You are recommended to take one that is comprehensive and credible. "Don't worry, nothing bad will happen'. People will do a lot of assumption to make their closer friends and folks to calm down. But it is not the best decision since everything might happen though we don't expect it. Make sure that you have one and let your family and folks calm. You also will have peace of mind, right?

Make sure your passport and visa are valid and up to date.

So, I almost forget to mention what if you are backpackers. For most people, backpackers are independent travelers on a tight budget. Bali is one of the most popular places that backpackers will visit. There are some tips for you to have a nice trip in Bali. These will make your experience interesting and fun while you save some bucks.

My first tips is about cheap accommodation. Motels and hostels can be found in Bali. Are you looking for the coastline nearby motels and hostels? They are there too. You can take a rest in a humbly convenient private room for as little as $7! You know that expensive hotels give you more convenient activity but if you just want to have a nice sleep, that is your best option.

Eating is staple thing to do when traveling. But expensive foods will make your pocket not enough to do certain pleasures in the beautiful place like Bali. Try not to spend your money to high end cafe or restaurant. That perhaps remind you of home when visiting "big America breakfasts" in Bali but are you sure that it is what you are looking for? You must want to eat something unique and traditional, the Indonesian foods. Eat at local food stalls will save you some bucks yet gives you many experiences about delicate and tasty foods from Indonesia. It is worth taking your time to find out the back roads to look for local foods. They call the place "warung". Or perhaps you can go to "semi-restaurants" where you can find some dishes that you will find in the restaurants but have friendly price.

So, are you ready to go?